3.3 Centralization of Power
On the basis of the thoughts and practice of the Legalist School, Han Feizi putforth the political idea of centralization ofpower by absolute monarchy. He held that torule efficiently, the ruler must hold power solely by himself. In his philosophy, the rulercould firmly control the state with the help of three concepts: his position ofpower (shi,势), certain techniques (shu,术), and laws (fa,法). Legalism assumed that everyoneacted according to one principle: the law must severely punish any unwanted action,while at the same time reward those who followed the law. Legalism was perhaps theharshest philosophy. Han Feizi believed human nature was evil and people should bepunished according to their actions. Simply put, Legalism posited that because peoplewere inclined to act badly, society needed strict laws and harsh punishments. Thisnecessitated what some would term "rule by fear."
Just to add a few words about the sources of his shi (his position of power), shu(techniques) and fa (laws). Legalists synthesized the ideas of Shang Yang(商鞅), ShenBuhai(申) and Shen Dao (慎到, 395-315 B.C.). For example, Han Feizi borrowed Shang Yang's emphasis on laws, Shen Buhai's emphasis on techniques and Shen Dao's ideas on position of power .
The concept of fa comes from Shang Yang's book The Book of Lord Shang (《裔君书 》), referring to the elaborate system oflaws that is to be drawn up by the ruler, distributed by his o伍cials, and taught and explained by them to the populace. By such a system oflaws, and the inescapable punishments that backed it up, all life within the society was to be ordered, so that nothing would be left to chance, private judgment, orthe appeal to privilege. To this concept, he added another concept borrowed from the writings of Shen Buhai, the concept of shu, which refers to the techniques, policies, methods, and art of governing. The populace was to be controlled by the laws, and the ruler was to be guided by a set of principles by which he wielded authority and controlled the men under him. The ruler had to have a body of people doing administrative work. Unable to attend all affairs in person, he had to make certain thatthe men to whom he delegated power did their work efficiently and without deceit. He needed a set of rules for management and personnel control, and this set of rules is supplied under the name of shu.